
I have a few pieces I go to when I feel the weight of writing getting to me. It’s a tough job, to put to paper these dreams and visions, and to show them to a world that’s way too full of dreams and visions. They have so many to choose from that yours need to shine like the sun.

One is Melinda Mae, by Shel Silverstein.

Have you heard of tiny Melinda Mae,
Who ate a monstrous whale?

That’s what writing feels like sometimes. The secret is small bites, lots of chewing, and persistence.

About John Lowell

That's me, on the left, as one of Her Majesty's Yeomen of the Guard. A weekend hobby. During the week, I work at a job, then come home to my beautiful wife and darling sons (one is full of boundless energy and a desire to see all the things, the other is full of curiosity and a desire to eat all the things). I write stories about magic.

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